air bubble blog

because i live for the bubbles.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

for all you out there

okay, i know it's been like 2-3 weeks since my last post...but i've been busy with finals, yo! gimme a break :P so i've got a lot of updates, i'll just list what i can cuz i don't really remember everything!

sloppy joes and mac & cheese...(but i have to admit, store-bought kaiser rolls because i lacked the time to make real ones)

lunch with nina and alyssa...our first try at sushi! we made vegetarian sushi (cucumbers, carrots, and zucchini, and soy sauce on the side for dipping), foreigner rolls/falang rolls (peanut butter and banana rolled inside rice, and honey on the side for dipping), and miso soup. once we figured out how to properly make the sticky rice, it was pretty easy and fun :)

and then it was david's turn to try his hand at cannelloni. he always
wondered why i never want to make it. i said it's a very involved process and takes a while.. so, on the day of the meal, he said we'd eat at 6:30. he strolled in around 5:30. three hours is the result, along with the comment "I hate making cannelloni!" I have to say, he did a pretty good job. Not as good as mine, definitely some improvements can be made, but not bad! ;)

that's a pretty manly apron & bow -->

then there was mojo's chicken and dumplings...which was fabulous, but the picture is blurry..
for dessert there was caramel apple flatbread. we added a little icing drizzled on top.

and then the school year was over! on thursday before david left for big tens, he came over for a very early morning breakfast...high-rise apple pancake! (although in the picture, it had already fallen) with syrup, it tasted like french toast. and it was nice and my belly wasn't too full when i went back to sleep for a few hours after he left :P

and now i'm home! on saturday night, i made hamburgers and sliced potatoes on the grill (but i of course didn't do the actual grilling--that was mom's department :p), along with a salad. then, today the peters' came over for a belated mother's day brunch, and i made bananas foster french toast, gluten-free blueberry pancakes (although that recipe calls for brown rice flour and i just used all-purpose GF flour), and mom put together a fruit salad with blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, pineapple, and bananas. it was an AWESOME lunch!! ( to come...)

for dinner, i made chicken with roasted lemon and rosemary sauce. it was really good--a zingy lemon sauce over chicken and potatoes. mom really liked it--she's got a passion for lemons and rosemary. :P


Jen said...

you'll have to send me the recipe for that chicken - i am a lemon fiend as well. that pancake looks like a dutch baby! and poor david - he had no idea what he was getting into. :P i LOVE my pasta roller. ;) i will definitely have to make him some cannolini when he comes this summer! assuming i have a kitchen, that is.

Shannon said...

i just posted the link to it...forgot to do that before! :p and i'm sure david would *love* some cannolini